Privacy Policy
In our effort to provide personalization and opportunities for prizes and services, we may at times ask you to submit information such as your name or email address, or to share your interests and hobbies with us. You never have to answer these questions, and you can decline this exchange of information on any site on the Internet - not just ours - at any time. However, if you should choose to withhold requested information, we may not be able to provide you with some of the services dependent upon the collection of this information, such as a personalized stock portfolio, a sweepstakes entry, or the purchase and shipment of products and prizes to people who visit our network.
Anonymous Information
When you surf the Internet, your Internet browser (such as Netscape Navigator� or Microsoft Internet Explorer) automatically transmits some information to Inforobot every time you access content on one of our sites, whether accessing it from the cable Internet access service or through another Internet Service Provider (ISP). Examples of such information include the URL of the Web page you were just on (known as the "Refer"), the IP (or Internet Protocol) address of the computer you are using, or the browser version you are using to access our site. All of this information is collected by and is used to help improve our offerings to you. For instance, from this information we determined that few of our customers use older browser versions. Because of this we recently decided to enhance the quality of content available to all of our customers by using the advanced features of HTML that cannot be accessed from those older browser versions. All of the information that is automatically submitted to us by your browser is considered Anonymous Information.
To enable many of the features available within the Network, we will assign "cookies" to your Internet browser (such as Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer). A cookie is a small text file that contains a unique identification number stored on your computer. Cookies by themselves cannot be used to find out the identity of any user. This unique identification number automatically identifies your browser - but not you - to our computers whenever you interact on one of our Internet domains. When you visit our site, a cookie in effect says to our server computers "Hello, I'm browser #655. What do you do just for me?" Every Web page that you access that includes advertising or content served from the Network will have the contents of your cookie reported in our server logs. But only when you agree to provide Personally Identifiable Information directly to an branded service, such as through registration, will we be able to know anything about you other than the random number that our server computers originally assign to your browser.
There is a lot of confusion about cookies, how they are used, and what they can do. Cookies only contain information that the server computer "knew" in the first place, and can only be read by the serving domain that placed them. For instance, Yahoo! utilizes cookies, but's servers can't read their contents nor can Yahoo!'s servers read ours. Cookies are an essential part of how the Internet works today, and allow server computers to recognize your computer's browser when you return. If you have ever gone to a Web page that automatically provides personalized content without you having to "sign in," such as your own stock portfolio, this is almost certainly being accomplished with a cookie. Since cookies are only text files, they cannot "run" on your computer and have no ability to search your computer for other information, or transmit it to anyone.
Cookies are part of the technology implemented by your Web browser. But don't just take our word for it - read what the companies who wrote the browsers have to say!
For Netscape, please visit:
For Microsoft, please visit:
 How many times have you  submitted private info over the last year via Internet?
3 - 9
1 - 2
Don't care
Safety Tip
Whenever submitting private info over the Internet, beware, there are "copycat" sites that may look exactly like a well-known and respected site, but in fact they are hosted under different name or URL. Always check the name of the site in the URL address field of the browser.
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